Pandemic in Perspective — Sunday Class Series April 11 – June 6

The Sunday morning Bible-based class for youth and adults is discussing two books by leading Old and New Testament scholars designed to put the current pandemic in a faith perspective. (No class on May 30).

The books are Virus as a Summons to Faith: Reflections in a Time of Loss, Grief and Uncertainty by Walter Brueggemann, and God and the PandemicA Christian Reflection on the Coronavirus and its Aftermath by N.T. Wright.  The Wright book will be provided free. (Contact Richard Lindeborg by email at to have a copy shipped to you.) The Brueggemann book is available from in paperback for $14.00 new (with a few used copies for less) and on Kindle for $9.99. Other online vendors, such as and, have a few new and used copies for competitive prices.  Paper Trail may be able to order copies, and Richard Lindeborg can order a new copy from Amazon Prime (shipping free).  The readings assignments are posted near the main entrance and in Perea Hall, as well as listed in the April Newsletter.