Guest Preachers This Winter
As we are in a time of transition at the FUPC and seeking a new, full-time Pastor for our Presbytery, we have a wonderful lineup of Guest Preachers to lead worship for us this winter:
- 12-1-24 Rev. David Crowley
- 12-8-24 Rev. Louis Knowles
- 12-15-24 Rev. Patricia Davison
- 12-22-24 Brett Gilland & Linda Solyntjes
- 12-29-24 Rev. Kim Fields-Haley
- 1-5-25 Rev. Pat Halverson
- 1-12-25 Rev. John Gutherie
- 1-19-25 Rev. Lynne Hinton
- 1-26-25 Siobhan Croto
- 2-9-25 Rev. David Whitely
We are blessed to have so many passionate and giving Guest Preachers to join our Community and share their wisdom and the Word of God in this time of transition.
Please feel welcome to come and join us any Sunday at 10:30 for Worship in person, or by Zoom.
Zoom details:
Meeting ID: 573 920 0081
Password: 191496
To join the meeting via computer, go to this link: Join us on Zoom
To join the meeting via phone (no computer needed) dial 312 626 6799 and enter the meeting ID and password when asked.
Note that this is a Chicago number and long-distance charges may apply
- If you haven’t been on Zoom before, you’ll see instructions for downloading the Zoom app and allowing your camera (if you have one) and microphone to be used by Zoom, and then the meeting will open.
- If you are new to Zoom, we recommend going to the link above sometime before the event so that you can get the Zoom app set up ahead of time. It takes a few minutes.
- If you have the Zoom app, you can use the link above or you can just open the app, click Join, and enter the meeting id.
- The meeting ID for all public church events is 573-920-0081.